YMCA fundraising nears completion

NMC Health Hospital Entrance

By Ashley Bergner
Newton Kansan
Jan. 10, 2015 

Although the race isn’t over, the finish line is well in sight.

The Newton YMCA fund-raising project has raised $4.19 million so far, about 84 percent of the way to its $5 million goal.

“It’s been a good race, but we’re coming into the home stretch,” said Todd Tangeman with Newton Medical Center, who has been a part of the campaign. “There’s a sense of excitement and energy around it. There’s confidence it will indeed happen.”

“We’re where we wanted to be at this point,” echoed Loni Jensen, with Hutchinson Community College and a fellow campaign volunteer. “… It’s exciting to see people coming together. … We can do amazing things if we work together.”

So far, large gifts have brought in about $3.8 million, and the recently wrapped community campaign raised $362,362. Efforts are still underway to recruit large gifts from organizations, as well as researching opportunities for matching grants. While the public campaign has “unofficially” been completed, donations still are being accepted, Jensen said.

“We’re going to meet that $5 million target,” Tangeman said.

Jensen said the project has been a great learning and community building experience, and it ties into the growing national emphasis on wellness, and prevention rather than treatment. She is excited to see what other growth opportunities in the community come from the Y project.

The architect has begun working on final construction plans, and the goal is to have a groundbreaking in late April or early May. A grand opening of the facility is targeted for summer 2015.

Link up with the campaign at facebook.com/ymcanewton, 316-804-6158, or ymcanewton@gmail.com. You also can pick up a pledge card at the Newton Chamber, if you are interested in donating.