What To Do If You Lose Your COVID-19 Vaccine Record Card

covid-19 vaccine vials lined up in a line with a focus and other vials blurred out

COVID changed everything. From how we interact with others, how we go to work and how we clean.

Masking and social distancing provided safety. When vaccines were approved for emergency use, people lined up to protect themselves.

Part of the process of vaccinating against COVID19 is receiving your Vaccination Record Card. It is an index sized piece of paper with your name, birthday and important information about the vaccine you received.

Keeping this card is important because it provides proof of vaccination and information about booster shots needed. If development of additional booster shots becomes necessary, this card will be a helpful reminder of which vaccine you received and might help you decide what booster shot you need.

The information on the vaccination card is also stored in a database maintained by the State of Kansas.

Getting Vaccination Information

If you lose your vaccine record card, there are options for getting the information from the card.

Option 1: Contact the Vaccination Provider Site

If you are able to go back to the location you received the COVID-19 vaccination at, they can help you find the vaccine information and get a replacement record card. Depending on the vaccination site, you might have to put in a request for a new card, which could take some time. You should also plan on brining legal ID to verify your identity. 

Option 2: Contact the KDHE

The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) maintains records of COVID vaccinations. You need to contact their Kansas Immunization Program office for a report with your COVID-19 vaccination information. This report is comprehensive, containing information about all your immunization records shared with the state.

Call: 877.296.0464

Email: immregistry@kdheks.gov

Visit their website.

This process with KDHE cannot provide the COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card, but all the information (vaccine manufacturer, date given and dose number) is shared in your comprehensive immunization record.

Didn't Get Your Vaccine In Kansas?

If you received a COVID-19 vaccine in a state other than Kansas, the CDC has a website for you to find information about how to retrieve your vaccine information.

Visit their website by clicking here.

vaccine card held by doctor with "have you been vaccinated" picture

Where To Vaccinate

If you are looking to vaccinate against COVID-19, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has a vaccine locator for you to find your preferred vaccine (Pfizer, Moderna or Janssen/Johnson & Johnson).
