diabetes education

Enjoy tips and tricks for meal planning and batch cooking specifically for diabetes. We’ve even thrown in a couple of recipes for you to enjoy!

diabetes meal planning and batch cooking

Exercise and Diabetes

diabetes and exercise

As a person living with diabetes, you know exercise is important. But, sometimes, things are easier said than done. It’s not so easy to start a new behavior when you’re used to doing things a certain way. It takes time and effort to start a new journey. But hard work does have its rewards.

Diabetes Ed: Healthy Movement

five people walk through a grassy field enjoying the outdoors with blue skies

Physical activity can help improve blood sugar, improve blood pressure, can reduce your risk for heart disease, and helps you to achieve a healthy weight.

Diabetes: Healthy and Happy Holidays

Holiday dessert spread with cookies coated in powdered sugar and holiday decorations nearby

For those managing diabetes, the holidays may also have its own unique challenges, including difficult to manage blood glucose levels, weight gain, and stress related to trying to make the picture-perfect celebration.

People with Diabetes: Traveling Safe This Summer

Who is excited for vacations and travel again!? Travel is expected to be back in full swing this summer. Going to new places gets you out of your routine and provides much enjoyment. However, don’t let good diabetes self-management go on vacation just because you do.

How to manage your diabetes in the summertime

Old man climbing with senior woman on a tree in a summer park

Summer is a time of fun-filled activities. We all have a variety of interests to keep us busy in the summer months: cycling, camping, fishing, gardening, golf, hiking or walking, water activities and picnics.  This month we will discuss ways to navigate summer activities safely. Making a plan is key to caring for your health […]

Heart-Healthy Recipe: Low Carb Veggie Fried Rice Bowl

heart shaped bowl carrot, veggies, tomato, fish, healthy food, diet, stethoscope, heart health, healthy recipes blog header nmc health

Switch up your evening routine with a low carb veggie fried rice bowl made special in your home kitchen! This delicious meal is jam-packed with heart-healthy foods. You can even customize by adding your favorite vegetables. The catch though, is that the “rice” in this dish is actually riced cauliflower, making it even healthier. The […]