How to show support towards frontline workers at NMC Health

Healthy ways to cope with stress

hispanic girl smiles and sits in indian style yoga pose with namaste hands

COVID-19 has changed a lot in our lives. But there are many day-to-day stressors that will impact our lives, regardless of the pandemic. Still, there is a fear of sickness. Stress from having a hard time finding a job, paying bills or keeping to a daily routine. Others suffer from being isolated or feeling disconnected. […]

How to safely celebrate holidays without going out

People serving themselves at a homestyle buffet for thanksgiving dinner holidays and COVID-19 precautions

The holidays will no doubt look a little different this year as we continue to navigate through this COVID-19 pandemic. But don’t let the coronavirus spoil your holiday fun. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) offers some alternatives to help you celebrate safely. The CDC recommends that people who have COVID-19 or those who have […]

How to celebrate the holidays in a pandemic

Indian family celebrating holidays with masks because of COVID-19 pandemic

It has been a rough year for some, thanks to COVID-19. Students have given up graduation. Many have forfeited birthdays and anniversaries. Children have given up traditional classroom settings and many are learning virtually. You might even be reading this while working from home. Many people have adapted and figured out a good system that […]

How vaccines work to keep you from getting sick

NMC Health Hospital Entrance

The human body is miraculous. Your immune system is responsible for fighting off disease and infections, sometimes before they even make you sick. But it can only do so much when the chicken pox or measles creep in. For an added boost of immunity, vaccines can protect you from common diseases. But how do they […]

Teenage Mental Health: COVID-19 Can Affect the Young Mind

black teen standing against wall with suicide awareness message written on it

Many students are heading back to school soon, and this year will look a little different than previous ones. This year, the COVID-19 pandemic changes everything. For teens already going through regular physical changes, this can be a lot to handle. Mental health is just as important as physical health. Here are some ways you […]

Don’t skip out on medical care because of COVID-19

Elderly woman looking at camera with pink carnations in the background

COVID-19 has made for some uncertain times in our country and throughout the world, and many have avoided going to the doctor, the emergency room or urgent care clinics for fear of contracting the virus. But don’t worry – we have your back. Newton Medical Center is committed to keeping our patients, your families and […]

Keeping mental health front of mind during a pandemic

Man sitting with therapist talking about feelings

How are you doing during these unprecedented times? Be honest. How are you handling the stressors involved with the COVID-19 pandemic? It’s no lie coronavirus has changed the course of all of our lives and has left no life untouched. Maybe you’re an essential worker putting in overtime. Maybe you’re working from home or have […]

NMC Announces Reductions in Response to COVID-19

Newton Medical Center (NMC) notified employees at its hospital and clinic locations in Newton, Hesston, Park City, Valley Center and Wichita of staffing adjustments in response to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak. In compliance with recommendations from the World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, and the Kansas Department of […]