
Don't delay treatment for urinary incontinence or male sexual health issues. NMC Health offers several treatment plans for you.

urology specialists consult patient on medical issue

Urology is the branch of medicine that studies illnesses of the urinary tract in men, women, and children, as well as diseases of the reproductive system.

If you feel like you have to go to the bathroom right away or are having trouble with your sexual function, NMC Health is here to help. Our staff will take care of you without letting anyone know. 

As a skilled urologist and surgeon, Dr. Faris Azzouni treats a broad range of urologic conditions and has been serving patients in both Kansas and Kentucky since 2013.

What we treat

NMC Health Urology Specialists treat a wide range of conditions, such as:

  • Overactive Bladder
  • UTIs (urinary tract infections)
  • Kidney Stones
  • Undescended testes in children
  • Newborn circumcisions
  • Female urinary incontinence
  • Pelvic Floor dysfunction and prolapse
  • General urologic problems
  • Enlarged prostate
  • Cancer (prostate, testicular, bladder, & kidney)
  • Prostatitis (swelling of prostate)
  • ED, male sexual problems, & infertility
  • Bladder infections
  • STDs / STIs
  • Peyronie’s Disease (penile curvature)
Symptoms you may be experiencing include:
  •  Trouble urinating
    • Pain before, during, after urination
    • Trouble starting or maintaining flow
    • Low flow
    • Always feeling like you have to go
    • Unable to empty bladder
  • Cloudy or bloody urine
  • Pelvic pain
  • Frequent urination
  • Waking to use the bathroom
  • Leaking between bathroom visits
  • Recurrent UTIs
  • Inability or difficulty to get/keep and erection

NMC Health Urology Specialists offer a variety of surgical procedures, such as:

  • Minimally invasive same day surgery to treat enlarged prostates
  • Minimally invasive techniques for varied sizes of kidney stones
  • Prostate and kidney surgery
  • Urethral slings
  • Penile implants
  • Vasectomycondition
If you have a medical emergency, call 911 or visit the NMC Health Medical Center Emergency Department.

Sensitive needs, kept private

Many people don’t want other people to know about their health problems, especially if they are related to urinary incontinence or problems with the male reproductive systems.

At NMC Health, what you say to your doctor stays between the two of you. When you need help, it’s important to ask for it. Many problems with urology can be fixed. You’ll never have to worry that someone will find out about your vital information.

urology specialists consult patient on medical issue

Where to start?

If you have to go to the bathroom a lot or can’t get there in time, you should see a doctor.

Most of the time, you should see your family doctor first. But, depending on your insurance, you may need a referral or you may be able to make an appointment with our urology specialists on your own.

The family medicine providers at NMC Health in Hesston, Valley Center and Wichita can help with a wide range of health problems.  

Providers at NMC Health can look for both simple and more complex problems. Most of the time, these tests are done at your yearly checkup. It’s a good idea to make an appointment with your doctor if you have symptoms.

It’s important to tell your doctor about any problems you’re having with your health. Even though you might not talk to other people about problems with peeing or getting close sexually, what you say to your doctor is private. Primary care workers know how to deal with these problems. If our staff can’t meet all of your needs, we can connect you with the NMC Health Urology Specialists.


When men have persistence issues getting or keeping an erection firm during sex, or loose their sex drive, they might have erectile dysfunction (ED).

Every man will have a sporadic issue with not being able to achieve an erection. This isn’t usually a cause for concern. It is only when the a loss of sexual desire occurs or the penis never achieves a firm erection.

There are several reasons why a man my experience ED. Some causes are physical and some psychological. Having an conversation with your primary care doctor about your symptoms can help isolate the cause.

If your partner is having issues with erectile dysfunction, it is important to be supportive of their needs. For many men, the idea of having ED is a bigger deal than actually treating it. If they ask for your help with treatment, find a way to be supportive. Some of the causes of erectile dysfunction are psychological, such as anxiety, concerns about physical appearance or emotional issues with intimacy.   

Loosing bladder control can be a concerning and embarrassing problem. Urinary Incontinence can range from minor urine leaking from a sneeze to total loss of control holding your pee.

Reasons to see a doctor about urinary incontinence: 

  • Avoid being around friends or social situations because of fear of a leak
  • Limit your activities or travel
  • Urgently rushing to the bathroom is creating a fall risk

Treatments for urinary incontinence start with a visit to your primary care physician. Staff at NMC Health can help assess if your loss of bladder control.

Painful urination, discomfort in your groin, burning sensations when peeing or a persistence urge to go to the bathroom are all symptoms of a Urinary Track Infection (UTI).

These infections are usually a result of bacteria working their way into your urinary system. The urinary system consists of your kidneys, bladder, ureters (connection between the kidneys and bladder) and urethra.

UTI’s are more common in woman than men. This is because a woman’s urethra is shorter than a man’s.

If you have any pain associated with going to the bathroom, or any of the symptoms listed above, you need to contact your doctor to see if you have a urinary track infection.

Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) tests can help your doctor spot cancer before it causes symptoms. PSA screenings measure the level of PSA in the blood.

When the screening detects a higher level of PSA in your blood, it can indicate problems with your prostate gland. This gland is specific to the male anatomy and helps with the creation of semen.

About 13% of all men will get prostate cancer during their life and it proves to be deadly. For the majority of men, their diagnosis of prostate cancer comes at late stages when symptoms present.

There are other issues that can occur with the prostate, like prostatitis. Prostatitis can cause pain in your groin, belly and lower back.

Screenings can help detect a problem before symptoms occur, increasing your chance of survival and quality of life.