Pediatric Services

All kids deserve to be healthy and happy. Our pediatric services help with just that. Routine check-ups and advanced services can help the health of your child.


Growing kids will have a few bumps and bruises along the way. Let NMC Health help your growing family with any medical needs that come up. From bike ride tumbles to tackles on the 50 yard line.

Most of the time, your child will only need the guidance of a family medicine doctor. If your family needs advanced care, NMC Health can provide you a referral. 


If you have a medical emergency, call 911 or visit the NMC Health Medical Center Emergency Department.

Pediatric Services at NMC Health

Family Medicine
  • Well child checks
  • Sports physicals
  • Acute illness treatment
  • Immunizations
  • Developmental checks
  • Prescribe medications
  • Preliminary Autism Diagnosis
  • Triage and direct all specialized care that may be needed including cardiology, neurology, mental health, etc.
  • Referrals to specialists
Immediate Care
  • Flu & cold symptoms
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Allergies
  • Bug bites and stings
  • Ear aches
  • Eye infections
  • Cuts, bruises and minor burns
  • Sprains and muscular injuries
Emergency Services
  • Concussions
  • Broken Bones
  • Breathing Problems
  • Deep cuts (stitches required)
  • Severe trauma from falls, car accidents or sport related injuries
Advanced Services
Surgical Services

Family Medicine

Even the healthiest children need a family doctor. Checkups are more than looking over knee joints and tonsils. Your doctor is also checking growth patterns, looking for cancer and assessing risk factors for childhood depression. The relationship your child has with their doctor helps ensure a healthier life. 

At NMC Health, we help with: 

    • Well child checks
    • Sports physicals
    • Acute illness treatment
    • Immunizations
    • Developmental checks
    • Prescribe medications
    • Triage and direct all specialized care that may be needed including cardiology, neurology, mental health, etc.
white doctor using blue stethoscope on asian girl as her mom looks at her and smiles

Set up an appointment with an NMC Health family medicine provider.

What to bring to your child’s checkup? 

When you first visit with one of NMC Health’s family medicine providers, they will do a thorough exam on your child, looking for common ailments. It is important that your doctor know about your child’s medical history. 

Bring with you:

  • A copy of your child’s immunization records
  • A list of all medications they have taken and why they took them
  • Any school forms your doctor will need to sign


Is your child acting out or is it something else, like autism? Your family medicine doctor can help initially screen for signs of autism.

Autism is a developmental disorder that often appears in the first three years of life. Also called Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), it can affect the brains ability to develop normal social and communication skills.

Immediate Care Clinics

Your daughter just spiked the winning point during the volleyball match. She also sprained her shoulder. What do you? The family medicine practitioners at NMC Health are here to help. 

Our doctors and staff at our Immediate Care Clinics can help with injuries and ailments that need a quick diagonisis but don’t require the level of care you need at the emergency room. 

Examples of treatments: 

  • Flu & cold symptoms
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Allergies
  • Bug bites and stings
  • Ear aches
  • Eye infections
  • Cuts, bruises and minor burns
  • Sprains and muscular injuries

Emergency Services

If your child is experiencing a medical emergency, call 911. If the medical treatment is urgent and requires more than a trip to our Immediate Care clinics, you will need to take your child to the emergency room. 

When your family arrives, check-in at the desk right inside the emergency department. You will be asked several questions about your child’s symptoms and medical history by a nurse. You’ll be asked what medicines your child is taking and if they have any pre-existing conditions.

It’s important to give as much information about your child’s situation as possible so the medical staff can help. Patients who come in with life-threatening conditions will be seen first.

Obviously broken bones, severe trauma, profuse bleeding, concussions or loss of consciousness are all reasons to take your child to the emergency room. Again, if the emergency is severe, call 911. 

Never give a child over-the-counter (OTC) cold medicine not recommended for their age group. Serious side effects can happen like:

  • Seizures
  • Rapid heart beat
  • Reduced consciousness
  • Reye syndrome (from aspirin)
  • Death

Only certain cold medicines should be given to children.

It is best to contact your doctor before giving your child cold medicine, but the current best practices are as follows:

  • Do not give cold medicines to children less than 4 years old.
  • Only give cold medicines to children ages 4 to 6 years if your doctor recommends it.
  • Do not give ibuprofen to children younger than 6 months unless directed by a doctor.
  • Do not give aspirin if your child is younger than 12 to 14 years.


Everyone has issues with acne, but some people have several problems. Significant breakouts can lead to lasting problems like acne scars. 

There are several at-home options for treating acne. The best advice is to try cleaning your face twice a day with warm (not hot) water and a pH balanced cleanser. You can add over the counter products that contain benzoyl peroxide. 

If at-home remedies don’t work, call your family doctor. They might be able to prescribe a more advanced treatment for you, or refer you to a specialists. 

Is your teen moody or depressed. Hormones during adolescence can make it hard to tell if your child is having a mental health problem or just acting out.
Start looking for changes in habits that last more than two weeks at a time, or changes in school grades, activates and friendships. If left untreated, depression can increase the risk of suicide.

Taking away the iPad from your child might lead to a tantrum, but the long term effects of heavy technology use in children can cause serious problems: 

  • Make it hard for your child to sleep at night
  • Raise your child’s risk for attention problems, anxiety, and depression
  • Raise your child’s risk for gaining too much weight (obesity)


Best practices are to do as follows: 

  • Children Under 2: No Screen Time
  • Children Two and Older: 1-to-2 hours per day

Despite what ads may say, videos that are aimed at very young children do not improve their development.

Having a child sick in the hospital is upsetting, both for you as the parent and for your other children. 

There are ways to prepare your children to visit with their ill sibling in the hospital. 

  1. Ask your children if they would like to visit their ill sibling
  2. Talk about the situation to prepare them. Hospital staff can help you find the words to explain the illness their sibling has. 
  3. Show your children a photo of the room and their sibling receiving treatment to prepare them. Share with them that there will be medical equipment that looks intimidating and sometimes noises/beeps. Share these machines and noises are there to help their sibling get better. 
  4. Find a group activity for your children to do together when they visit. Drawing, sharing stories or sharing home-made gifts can help. 

If any of your children want to visit their hospitalized sibling, they need to be well. Do not allow in any visitors with symptoms of an illness. 

Children will experience diarrhea. It isn’t fun for anyone. Diarrhea occurs when your child has more than three loose bowel movements in a day. 

Usually this symptoms is mild and only lasts a few days. 

If it lasts longer, it can be indicative of food intolerance or illness. Additionally, diarrhea can lead to dehydration. 

Call your doctor if your child has any of the following symptoms: 

  • Much less activity than normal (not sitting up at all or not looking around)
  • Sunken eyes
  • Dry and sticky mouth
  • No tears when crying
  • Not urinated for 6 hours
  • Blood or mucus in the stool
  • Fever that does not go away
  • Stomach pai

Children’s allergies can make life difficult. From not being able to play in the park to having to part ways with a family pet. 

If your son or daughter is experiencing allergies and you have scheduled a doctors visit, there are some questions you will want to ask. 

Here is a list of questions you can consider asking: 

  • What tests can be done to determine the cause of the allergy?
  • Does my child need allergy shots?
  • What changes can I make around my home? 
  • Are there any over-the-counter medicines we can take before we try advanced treatments?
  • Is it allergies or asthma? 
  • Do I need to share with my daycare or child’s school they have allergies? 

Don’t confuse outdoor allergens with food allergies or medical allergies. Some of these more serious allergies can cause breathing problems that need prompt medical treatment. 

Medical science has determined that concussions are a much bigger deal than we realized just a couple decades ago. The symptoms of a concussion are from your body healing head and brain trauma.

If you suspect your child has a concussion, call your doctor immediately. If your child has symptoms like nausea, loss of consciousness or difficulty breathing following a concussion, get emergency medical service. 

Sometimes symptoms from a concussion do not appear for several hours after the trauma. 

If your son or daughter needs emergency treatment, be sure to follow the doctors treatment plan. 

Healing from a concussion can take days to months, depending on the severity of the injury.  

Read more about concussions and treatments here

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