Imaging Services

For important diagnostic procedures, x-rays, MRIs or other imaging services, put your trust in NMC Health's Imaging Department.

white female doctor looking at brain scan while person gets brain scan in other room

Diagnostic imaging services at NMC Health

When you need to see what’s going on inside of your body, NMC Health is here for you. From diagnostic imaging services to interventional radiology, our highly trained staff can help get to the bottom of your condition.

Our certified staff are experts in every field of imaging from X-ray to nuclear medicine. If you need imaging services, we’re ready to safely serve you.

NMC Health also specializes in 3D mammography and other breast care services at our Breast Imaging Center.

If you have a medical emergency, call 911 or visit the NMC Health Medical Center Emergency Department.

Medical Savings through MDsave

Are you underinsured or have a high deductible? You could save up to 60% on diagnostic imaging procedures through MDsave!

Learn how to receive discounts for medical care online through NMC Health’s partnership with MDsave. Purchase a voucher when you pay out of pocket and save up to 60% on your diagnostic imaging services.

Before you pay out of pocket for medical care, make sure you see if there’s an opportunity to save through MDsave.

Diagnostic Procedures

Our radiology department is full of specially trained clinical staff who use the latest diagnostic equipment to show clear and accurate results.

We know that sometimes getting a diagnostic imaging test can be scary. Our staff here is here to make sure you feel comfortable during your experience. All of our diagnostic images are read by board certified radiologists.

Here’s a list of the types of diagnostic imaging scans we can do at NMC Health.

Osteoporosis affects millions of Americans each year. In order to detect it, doctors use an enhanced form of X-ray technology called duel-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA or DEXA).

DEXA bone density scans are today’s standard for measuring bone mineral density (BMD) that can determine osteoporosis and/or osteopetrosis. A DEXA scan is a quick, painless procedure to measure if you have bone loss.

A computerized tomography (CT) scan combines a series of X-rays taken from different angles that shows images of your brain and other parts of your body.

The computer puts images together so the radiologist can see cross-sectionals of your bones, blood vessels and the soft tissues inside your body. These photos give doctors more information than a traditional X-ray.


Fluoroscopy is an x-ray image in real-time, similar to an x-ray video. This allows the doctor to examine a body part live or guide a needle into place in real-time.

Fluoroscopy is commonly used for barium studies of the gastrointestinal tract or for needle guidance for various injections, such as a shoulder or hip injection. We offer a wide variety of exams and procedures using fluoroscopy.

Liver elastography is a state-of-the-art tool in imaging that helps doctors get a clear picture of the tissue in your liver. This non-invasive procedure painlessly measures the stiffness of your liver tissue to detect hepatic fibrosis, a condition that could lead to serious health issues like liver failure and cancer if untreated.

An MRI is a test that uses radio frequency waves and a strong magnetic field rather than X-rays. In many cases, it gives different information than an X-ray, ultrasound or CT scan.

MRIs can be used to diagnose a lot of medical conditions including brain tumors, strokes, multiple sclerosis, ligament tears, infections and other potential issues happening throughout your body.

You’ll be given headphones to listen to music, as the machine can be quite noisy while you’re inside.

Mammography is a diagnostic imaging test using X-rays to diagnose and locate conditions of the breast tissue. 

Both men and women can and should have regular mammograms. These tests can detect breast cancer and other breast issues.

Some people find the test uncomfortable, but it is not painful. It can take up to 15 minutes to complete. Learn more about 3D Mammography and our Breast Imagine Center.


Nuclear medicine uses radioactive material to be able to diagnose or treat a disease. When you’re having a test done that involves nuclear medicine, you will have a small amount of radioactive material injected into your bloodstream. You might also inhale or swallow it.

Depending on your procedure, a special camera will pick up that material and turn it into special pictures for the radiologist to read. 

Nuclear medicine is used to take photos of the heart, lungs, bones, brain and digestive system. It’s a painless procedure that can take up to an hour to complete.

A PET/CT (Position Emission Tomography/Computer Tomography) Scan is a nuclear medicine and CT-fused functional imaging technique that can show metabolic processes in the human body. The scan uses a small amount of radioactive material to look at your organs and tissues. 

PET/CT scans can detect cancer, look at the health of your tissues, assess your heart condition and find brain tumors or abnormalities.

NMC Health’s new Trabecular Bone Scan (TBS) is known as best-in-class for identifying fracture risk.

A simple fracture risk test with TBS looks at bone structure along with density, which makes it easier to predict when someone will break a bone in the future.

An X-ray (radiograph) is a non-invasive medical test that helps doctors diagnose and treat a variety of medical conditions. Imaging with X-rays involves exposing a part of the body to a small dose of ionizing radiation to produce pictures of the inside of the body. 

X-rays are used to get a good look at your stomach, bones, chest, teeth, arms and legs or joints.

An ultrasound test can be used for more than just to see a developing baby. It uses high-frequency sound waves to capture a live look inside your body. 

Ultrasounds are a great way to see how your organs are functioning, and if they have any developmental issues.

ACR Gold Seal of Accreditation

The ACR Gold Seal of Accreditation represents the highest level of image quality and patient safety. It is awarded only to facilities meeting ACR Practice Guidelines and Technical Standards after a peer-review evaluation by board-certified physicians and medical physicists who are experts in the field.


No. In most cases, the amount of radiation you’ll be exposed to when getting an X-ray or having a nuclear medicine test is so small, it’ll be out of your system in up to 72 hours.

Our radiology staff are highly trained in dealing with specific amounts of medical radiation and radioactive materials. They will monitor you during each procedure and ensure you are only getting the amount you need for each test.

You don’t need to worry about being around others or your pets, because it poses no danger to them.

Nearly all diagnostic exams are painless. However, some may require an IV to be placed to complete the exam.

At NMC Health, we have specially trained and licensed radiologic technologists, physician assistants, and radiologists who will make sure you receive the best care.

There are many different types of diagnostic imaging tests. Each test has different rules for how you should prepare for them. 

As a general rule, you should continue your normal routine unless told otherwise by your doctor. Your doctor will let you know if you need to adjust your habits before having your test completed at NMC Health.

Make sure you come prepared with your ID and insurance information. It’s also a good idea to wear comfortable clothes. Do not bring valuables. There will be a small locker or space for you to put your belongings before your procedure.

If you are claustrophobic, the best way to prepare for a diagnostic imaging test is to speak with the radiology technologist about what to expect before going into the machine. Sometimes, just knowing what is going to happen can ease a lot of anxiety.

Many procedures aren’t completely closed in. Even with NMC Health’s MRI machine, there is a lot of breathing room that makes it easier for those who are claustrophobic to feel more comfortable.

You can also try meditation exercises, list to music or work on breathing exercises while you’re inside the machine. If you’re having a panic attack or struggling with anxiety while inside the machine, you’ll be able to speak with the radiology technologist the whole time. 

Be sure to let them know you struggle with claustrophobia before they begin your diagnostic imaging test, as during the procedure you’ll have to hold still and remain calm.

The length of your test will depend upon what test you are receiving. Some tests are only about 15 minutes long. Others can last longer than an hour. Ask your radiology technologist before your test how long you can expect to be in the machine.