Home Health Care

Let us help you maintain your independence at home with NMC Health Home Care. Learn more about our services today!

hispanic man in white shirt being helped by a Hispanic nurse for home health care and private duty

Caring and Comfort with NMC Health Home Care

We all need a little help at home sometimes. With NMC Health Home Care, you can count on skilled, compassionate support that brings caring and comfort right to you. Our experts provide needed care in the familiar setting of your home or independent living facility.

Our friendly team works closely with you and your doctor to create a custom care plan that keeps you safe, independent, and confident at home. From nursing and therapy to self-management education, our focus is on providing the support you need to:

  • Stay safe at home
  • Maintain your daily routines
  • Remain connected to what matters most

Our care model is built on trust and collaboration with your doctor, creating a personalized plan tailored to your needs. This includes:

  • Seamless coordination with doctors and healthcare professionals
  • Education for you, your family, and caregivers
  • Ongoing health assessments
  • Self-management techniques specific to your needs
  • Nursing, therapy, and social services as necessary

Our goal? To help you live as independently as possible, while continuing to enjoy your daily routines and special moments.

Our Home Health Services

When it comes to skilled care in Kansas, our patient rated CMS 5-Star Facility can provide you a broad range of services. They might even delay the need for long-term nursing home care. We can help you by providing:

  • Skilled Nursing
  • Physical therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Speech therapy
  • Social work services
  • Home health aides
  • A nurse who is on call 24/7 to help provide care or to answer your questions.

Services are based on your doctor’s plan of treatment and will be re-evaluated every 30-60 days for continued need. All visits are intermittent (unless skilled nursing is ordered as daily for a short, pre-defined, duration of time).

In order to promote independence and understanding of prevention, illness and treatment, we invite all caregivers and family members to learn alongside our patients. We will help you learn the basics of:

  • Vital sign management including symptoms to report
  • Catheter care
  • Chronic respiratory diseases such as Heart Failure and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
  • Diabetes education and management
  • Current and chronic disease management
  • Medicine education and management
  • Medical equipment and ongoing management
  • Nutrition education
  • Respiratory therapy education including the use of CPAP, BiPap, breathing treatments and supplemental oxygen
  • Pain management
  • Tube feedings
  • Wound care and skin breakdown prevention education
  • Tracheostomy care and education
  • Midline and Central line medicine administration and education

Lymphedema Therapy

If you are experiencing swelling to your arms and legs, NMC Health Home Care provides individualized treatment for your condition. Your doctor may prescribe lymphedema therapy to help manage your symptoms. A certified lymphedema therapist is available for select locations and can work with you to create a treatment plan which may include: 

  • Massage
  • Compression wrapping
  • Exercise
  • Skin care

Virtual Visits

Our staff is ready to care for you in the safest way possible. NMC Health Home Care offers virtual visits in combination with in home visits. Your comfort and health is our focus.


Our agency is fully equipped to help you reduce your risk for hospitalization and safely monitor you as you recover. With our telehealth equipment, we can manage your: 

  • Blood pressure
  • Heart rate
  • Weight
  • Oxygen saturation

Your results are wirelessly updated to your electronic medical record (EMR), which allows us to update your doctor in real-time.

Skilled Care Insurance and Payment

Skilled care is usually covered by Medicare, Medicaid and many healthcare plans including HMOs, PPOs, managed care and private insurance. If you are unsure if skilled care is covered by your insurance, contact your provider first. If you have any questions of coverage, we would be happy to verify your benefits.

NMC Health Home Care is recognized by Centers of Medicare & Medicaid (CMS) as a 5-Star Facility for Patient Experience.


Home health care involves access to a nurse (usually a registered nurse or RN) that is ordered and overseen by your doctor. As a patient, you must be referred by your doctor. You must be considered “homebound,” which means leaving your home requires help from someone else and/or requires considerable effort. 

With home health care, you’ll receive skilled care, which means it has to be completed by a nurse. Skilled care can include features like: 

  • Physical therapy
  • Medicine management
  • Wound care
  • IV injections and medicine
  • Catheter care

Private duty services includes non-medical care by a nurses aide or home health worker. These services happen in the home and includes: 

  • Daily activities like getting dressed, brushing teeth, bathing
  • Household duties like cooking, cleaning and doing laundry
  • Running errands or companionship

Medicare will cover 100% of home health care services, and most private insurances will cover most services such as: 

  • Part-time skilled nursing care
  • Physical therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Speech therapy
  • Personal, hands-on care
  • IV injections prescribed by a doctor

Medicare services do NOT pay for the following: 

  • 24-hour home care
  • Meals delivered to your home
  • Homemaker services like personal shoppers or other private duty services

If you have questions about whether home health care is covered by your insurance plan, contact your insurance company first, before requesting services through NMC Health. 

Many people age well in their home and are highly independent. However, sometimes through injury or illness, taking care of yourself can become more difficult as you get older. That’s where we can help. Our home health care services are great for people who want to maintain their independence, but need a little extra help at home. 

If you’re not sure if you or someone you love needs home health care, ask yourself these questions: 

  • Can you or your loved one keep the house picked up and tidy?
  • Does the house have plenty of groceries or do you or loved one often need help stocking their shelves and refrigerator?
  • Has personal hygience declined? Do you find it more difficult to bathe or dress yourself?
  • Do you or your loved one seem lonely, withdrawn or showing any sudden mood swings?
  • Are you or your loved one suffering from memory loss or memory issues?

If you’ve answered yes to any of the above questions, it might be time to have a talk with your doctor about whether  home health care services are right for you.

In order to sign-up for home health care services, you must have a referral from you or your loved one’s doctor.

No. Home health care services are open to people of all ages who have a referral from their doctor. Home health is great for people who have left the hospital, but need a little more care in their recovery. 

Your home health care team includes nurses, home health aides, medical social workers and therapists. They work together, with your providers, to ensure the best of care for your needs.

When you sign up for NMC Health Home Care, you can be sure our team is working eagerly together to ensure continuity of care and thorough communication between providers. 

Patient Rights and Responsibilities

As a patient of NMC Health Home Care, you will be given a full statement of the rights to which you are entitled. You can download a printable version by visiting the link below.

Audio Version of NMC Health's Patient Rights and Responsibilities

Filing a Grievance

You have a right to:

  • Receive the name, business address and phone number for the agency Administrator in order to lodge complaints.
  • Lodge complaints and have your complaints as well as your family’s or your guardian’s complaints heard, investigated and if possible resolved. Complaints may include, but are not limited to:
    • Treatment or care that is (or fails to be) provided;
    • Treatment or care that is inconsistent or inappropriate;
    • Lack of respect for your property and/or person by anyone who is providing services on behalf of our agency; or
    • Mistreatment, neglect or verbal, mental, sexual and physical abuse, including injuries of unknown source and/or misappropriation of your property (exploitation) by anyone providing services on behalf of the agency.
  • Receive information on our complaint resolution process, and know about the results of the complaint investigations. We must document both the existence and the resolution of the complaint. We must also take action to prevent further potential violations, including retaliation while the complaint is being investigated.
  • Voice grievances/complaints regarding treatment or care, or recommend changes in policy, staff or care/service to us or an outside entity without fear of coercion, discrimination, restraint, interference, reprisal or an unreasonable interruption in care, treatment or services for doing so.
  • Be advised when you are accepted for treatment or care, of the availability of the state’s toll-free home care hotline number, its purpose and hours of operation. The hotline receives complaints or questions about local home care agencies and is also used to lodge complaints concerning the implementation of the advanced directives requirements.

Our complaint resolution process and the state hotline number are provided in our Problem Solving Procedure. 

Audio Version of NMC Health's Grievance Contact Information

Decision Making

You have a right to:

  • Choose your health care providers, including your attending physician, and communicate with those providers.
  • Participate in, consent to or refuse care in advance of and during treatment and be fully informed in advance about your care/service, where appropriate, including:
    • The completion of all assessments;
    • The care, treatments and services to be provided, based on the comprehensive assessment;
    • Establishing and revising your plan of care;
    • The disciplines that will provide the care, including the name(s) and responsibilities of staff members who are providing and responsible for your care;
    • The frequency of visits;
    • The scope of services we will provide, specific limitations on services and barriers to treatment;
    • Expected outcomes of care, including patient-identified goals, alternatives to care and anticipated risks and benefits;
    • Any factors that could impact treatment effectiveness; and
    • Any changes in the care to be provided.
  • Receive all services outlined in your plan of care.
  • Consent to or refuse care in advance of and during treatment without fear of reprisal or discrimination and after being informed of the consequences for doing so.
  • Request information about your diagnosis, prognosis and treatment including alternatives to care and risks involved in terms you and your family can understand so that you can give informed consent.
  • Receive information about the services covered under the Medicare home health benefit.
  • Be informed regarding the collection and reporting of OASIS information. OASIS information will not be disclosed except for legitimate purposes allowed by the Privacy Act.
  • Receive proper written notice, in advance of a specific service being furnished, if the agency believes that the service may be non-covered care; or in advance of reducing or terminating ongoing care in accordance with federal laws and regulations.
  • Be informed of our transfer and discharge policies.
  • Have family involved in the decision making as appropriate concerning your care, treatment and services, when approved by you or your representative (if any) and when allowed by law.
  • Participate or refuse to participate in research, investigational or experimental studies or clinical trials. Your access to care, treatment and services will not be affected if you refuse or discontinue participation in research.
  • Formulate advance directives and receive written information about the agency’s policies and procedures on advance directives, including a description of applicable state law before care is provided. You will be informed if we cannot implement an advance directive on the basis of conscience.
  • Have your wishes concerning end of life decisions addressed and to have health care providers comply with your advance directives in accordance with state laws. You have the right to receive care without conditions or discriminations based on the execution of advance directives.

Privacy and Security

You have a right to:

  • Personal privacy and security during home care visits. Our visiting staff will wear proper identification so you can identify them.
  • Confidentiality of written, verbal and electronic protected health information including your medical records, information about your health, social and financial circumstances, any communications or about what takes place in your home.
  • Refuse filming or recording or revoke consent for filming or recording of care, treatment and services for purposes other than identification, diagnosis or treatment.
  • Access, request changes to and receive an accounting of disclosures regarding your own protected health information as permitted by law unless it is medically contraindicated in the clinical record by your physician.
  • Request us to release information written about you only as required by law or with your written authorization and to be advised of our policies and procedures regarding accessing and/or disclosure of clinical records.

Our Notice of Privacy Practices describes your rights in detail.

Financial Information

You have a right to:

  • Be advised orally and in writing before care is initiated of:
  • Our billing policies and payment procedures;
  • The extent to which payment may be expected from Medicare, Medicaid, any other federally funded or aided program or any other third-party sources known to us;
  • Charges for services that may not be covered by known payers; and
  • Charges that you may have to pay.
  • Be advised orally and in writing of any changes in payment, charges and your payment liability when they occur, and to be advised of these changes as soon as possible, in advance of the next home health visit in accordance with federal patient notice laws and regulations.
  • Have access to all bills, upon request, for the services you have received regardless of whether the bills are paid by you or another party.

Quality Care

You have a right to:

  • Receive information about organization ownership and control.
  • Receive high quality, appropriate care without discrimination, in accordance with physician orders.
  • Pain assessment and to receive effective pain management and symptom control. You also have the right to receive education about your role and your family’s role in managing pain when appropriate, as well as potential limitations and side effects of pain treatments.
  • Be admitted only if we have the ability to provide safe, professional care at the level of intensity you need. A qualified staff member will assess your needs. If you require care or services that we do not have the resources to provide, we will inform you, and refer you to alternative services, if available, or we will admit you, but only after explaining our care/service limitations and lack of a suitable alternative.
  • Receive emergency instructions and be told what to do in case of an emergency.
  • Be advised of the names, addresses and telephone numbers of the following federal- and state-funded entities that serve the area where you reside: Agency on Aging, Center for Independent Living, Protection and Advocacy Agency, Aging and Disability Resource Center and the Quality Improvement Organization

Your Responsibilities

You have a responsibility to:

  • Provide complete and accurate information to the best of your knowledge about your present complaints and past illness(es), hospitalizations, medications, allergies and other matters relating to your health.
  • Remain under a doctor’s care while receiving skilled agency services.
  • Notify us of perceived risks or unexpected changes in your condition (e.g. hospitalization, changes in the plan of care, symptoms to be reported, pain, homebound status or change of physician).
  • Follow the plan of care and instructions and accept responsibility for the outcomes if you do not follow the care, treatment or service plan.
  • Ask questions when you do not understand about your care, treatment and service or other instructions about what you are expected to do. If you have concerns about your care or cannot comply with the plan, let us know.
  • Report and discuss pain, pain relief options, and your questions, worries and concerns about pain medication with staff or appropriate medical personnel.
  • Tell us if your visit schedule needs to be changed due to medical appointment, family emergencies, etc.
  • Tell us if your Medicare or other insurance coverages changes or if you decide to enroll in a Medicare or private HMO (Health Maintenance Organization) or hospice.
  • Promptly meet your financial obligations and responsibilities agreed upon with the agency.
  • Follow the organization’s rules and regulations.
  • Tell us if you have an advance directive or if you change your advance directive.
  • Tell us of any problems or dissatisfaction with the services provided.
  • Provide a safe and cooperative environment for care to be provided (such as keeping pets confined, putting away weapons or not smoking during your care).
  • Show respect and consideration for agency staff and equipment.
  • Carry out mutually agreed responsibilities.