
Our highly skilled diabetes and endocrinology team at NMC Health is ready to help you manage your condition. Make an appointment today!

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Get your hormones in check at NMC Health

NMC Health has primary care providers and a diabetes educator on staff to help you with endocrine disorders and those related to hormones.

Hormones are important in regulating many bodily functions such as your metabolism, reproductive system and movement. Endocrinology focuses on these hormones and the glands and tissues that produce them.


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Your endocrine system is a complex group of glands that each offer different functions throughout your body. These gland secrete hormones that keep your body’s levels in check. For instance, your pancreas makes insulin that regulates the amount of sugar in your blood. Your thyroid makes hormones that control lots of different body functions like your metabolism. If any of your hormones are being released in the wrong level (too much or too little), your body’s functions could change and cause problems. 

The glands that make hormones include your: 

  • Pancreas (abdomen)
  • Thyroid (neck)
  • Parathyroid (neck)
  • Adrenal (kidneys)
  • Pituitary (brain)
  • Hypothalamus (brain)
  • Ovaries (reproductive system)
  • Testes (reproductive system)

Some of the most common diseases that involve the endocrine system include: 

  • Diabetes (affects the pancreas and blood sugar)
  • Thyroid disorders 
  • Menstrual disorders
  • Adrenal gland disorders (kidney problems)

Your thyroid gland is responsible for making several hormones that regulate your metabolism and many other functions in the body.

If you have an overactive thyroid, you typicaly have symptoms like overheating, losing weight and a faster heart rate or heart palpitations.

An underactive thyroid can lead to feeling cold all the time, weight gain, constipation and a slower heart beat.

Your parathyroid gland regulates calcium and bone metabolism. If you have an overactive parathyroid it means you have higher calcium rates in your body. This can lead to kidney stones, heart palpitations and problems regulating your moods.