
Are you expecting? Have a baby at the Family Birthing Center at NMC Health, where you will enjoy the one-on-one care during your labor and delivery.

newborn baby with parents in family birthing center

Nurturing growing families at NMC Health

Having a baby can be one of the most joyful and exciting moments in your life. You can trust the Family Birthing Center at NMC Health to deliver excellent care during labor, birth and recovery as a new mom.

At NMC Health, our labor and delivery team works with you and your family to ensure you’re safe and comfortable as you welcome your new addition.

You’ll love our one-on-one nursing care throughout your labor process, as well as the same familiar faces as you recover when your newborn arrives.

Speak with your doctor, along with your birthing team about your preferences during birth. We will do our best to accommodate your wishes.

If you are having a pregnancy-related emergency, call 911 or visit the NMC Health Emergency Department.

What to expect

The Family Birthing Center at NMC Health is a special place for families. We want you to have a great experience while in our care.

Pre-Admission Process


For a smooth admission process, you are encouraged to call the Family Birthing Center to schedule a prenatal appointment at 36 weeks. During this appointment you will:

  • Fill out pre-admission paperwork
  • Take a tour of the unit
  • Meet a few of our staff members
  • Be able to ask any questions you may have

While you’re here, you will have a chance to see our LDRP (labor, delivery, recovery and postpartum) birthing suites. Each room comes with a rocking chair and a couch for a guest or support person to spend the night. Every room also has a private bathroom with a shower.

Before you have your baby, you may also set up an appointment with one of our certified lactation consultants. In this appointment, we will discuss what to expect with breastfeeding while you are in the hospital and what you may experience once you go home. This is a good time to ask any questions you have about breastfeeding or the tools you may need to be successful.

Giving birth

When it’s time to have your baby, enter the hospital through the front entrance (6am-6pm on weekdays) or through the emergency department (after hours and on weekends).

Once you’re registered, you will be taken to the Family Birthing Center and placed in a room. A nurse team will come in and explain the admission process to you while placing you on a monitor to keep track of your contractions and your baby’s heart rate. You will receive one-on-one care throughout your labor and delivery.

Pain control

Our nurses are here to support your during your labor process no matter what form of pain control you choose. If you are unsure if you would like an epidural, that is okay too. Our one-on-one care allows us to help guide you through the birthing process.

Your Care Team

During your labor and initial recovery:

  • You
  • Your support person (a family member or friend)
  • Your doctor
  • Nurse anesthetist (for epidural and C-sections)
  • Nurses

Other staff you may encounter:

  • Lactation consultants
  • Respiratory therapists
  • Case managers
  • Laboratory technicians
  • Chaplain
  • Pediatricians
  • Nurse Practitioners

NMC Health is currently partnering with Baby Talk for 6 classes that complement your prenatal care. Along with our expert team, these classes help you understand what to expect as you approach labor and delivery. We’re here to support you and your growing family. Sign up today!

Car Seat Safety

NMC Health is a Child Seat Inspection Station. We have certified Child Passenger Safety Technicians on staff. 

You should bring your car seat with you to the hospital. Your child should remain in a rear-facing car seat until he or she reaches the top height or weight limit allowed by your car seat’s manufacturer, typically between the ages of 1 and 3 years old.

There are rear facing-only seats and convertible seats that grow with your child. Parents usually prefer an “infant carrier” or rear facing-only seat for their newborn. You will want to pay attention to the minimum weight on the car seat, especially if you know you will have a small baby or deliver early.

We offer appointments to have your child safety seat inspected. If you would like to set up an appointment, please call 316.804.6176.

Research from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) shows that more than half (59%) of all car seats are not installed correctly. Even further, 64% of car seats are not installed with the top tether, which secures the top of the car seat to the vehicle’s seat.

ABC’s of Infant Safe Sleep

NMC Health is a Cribs for Kids National Safe Sleep Hospital.

Alone. Your baby should sleep alone, not with other people, pillows, blankets, or stuffed animals.

Back. Your baby should always be placed on their back, not their side or stomach.

Crib. Your baby should sleep in a crib, not on an adult bed, sofa, cushion, or other soft surface.

The ABC’s of safe sleep were developed by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).

Read more about SIDS.

Safe Sleep ABCs

Family Birthing Center Photos

Awards & Recognition

Gold Cribs for Kids Hospital Certification

Cribs for Kids’ National Safe Sleep Hospital Certification program recognizes hospitals and hospital systems for their commitment to infant safe sleep to reduce the risk of Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID), Accidental Suffocation and Strangulation in Bed (ASSB), SIDS, and unsafe sleep injuries. 

High 5 for Mom & Baby Premier Facility

NMC Health is proud to be recognized as a High 5 for Mom & Baby Premier facility. You can count on us to provide evidence-based maternity care that supports a mom’s breastfeeding goals. We’re proud to support mothers and babies by following all ten High 5 for Mom & Baby practices.

High 5 Premier Facility


When you choose to deliver at NMC Health, you can set up a pre-admission appointment with our Family birthing Center by calling 316.804.6176

Sometimes, it can be overwhelming to know what to pack for the hospital when you’re about to give birth. As your delivery date approaches, you’ll want to make sure your “go-bag” is ready, and that you have everything you need for your hospital stay. Here’s a short list of things you don’t want to forget: 

  • Clothes for anyone staying at the hospital, including clothes for baby to wear home
  • Daily hygiene needs such as toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, hairbrush, cosmetics, etc.
  • Reading material and/or a laptop or iPad
  • Photo ID, hospital paperwork, insurance information 
  • Cell phone charger
  • Approved car seat

You don’t need to worry about bringing aftercare items to the hospital. Your nurse will set you up with plenty supplies before you’re discharged to go home. The hospital will also provide baby diapers for your newborn.

If you have additional questions about what to bring to the hospital, you may ask those during your pre-admission appointment.

You are allowed to have two support people in the room with you during delivery, and only one person in the event of a C-section. Your support people should be someone who can help keep you calm and relaxed. They should also know how you feel about certain procedures such as a C-section should you not be able to convey your wishes yourself.

As soon as you find out you’re pregnant, you can begin to think about who you want to use as your family’s pediatrician. Whomever you choose will want to examine your baby a few days after he or she is born. 

While you’re at the hospital, your baby will be seen by a pediatrician.