Pain Relief at NMC Health | Family Medicine

Ready to feel unstoppable? Get started here.

From Pain to Relief

Living with pain is often thought of as just part of getting older, but it doesn’t have to be. If you are suffering through joint pain, arthritis, back pain, or discomfort without seeking treatment…

It’s time to make a change.

The providers at NMC Health | Family Medicine in Wichita, Valley Center, Hesston, and Park City don’t just care for you, they care about you. Whether your pain stems from a long forgotten injury or a new flare up, we’ll sit down with you to discuss your pain, design a personalized treatment plan, and answer any questions or concerns you may have.

Need to be seen fast? Check-in online at NMC Health | Immediate Care in Newton to see wait times and get in line.

Our goal is to help you live your life without discomfort and without medications.

Getting started on your journey from UNCOMFORTABLE to UNSTOPPABLE is as easy as requesting an appointment below.