Patient Resources

Thank you for trusting NMC Health with your medical care. Questions? Find the answers you need through these patient resources.

white nurse with white patient in hospital bed

Patient Resources

Thank you for choosing NMC Health and trusting us with your medical care. We offer a family-friendly environment and provide you with the highest quality of healthcare.

NMC Health is committed to making sure you feel safe and secure in our positive, clean environment.

All NMC Health facilities are tobacco-free. Any kind of tobacco use is not permitted inside or outside any building or on any hospital-owned property.

At NMC Health, your personal safety is important to us. All NMC Health personnel wear a photo ID badge. If you are unable to identify a staff member or are suspicious of someone, ask for identification or call your nurse.

Below, you’ll find a list of resources that will help you navigate your stay, and hopefully answer any questions you might have while receiving treatment at our facilities.