Hospital Visitor Information

Do you have a loved one at NMC Health? Here’s what you need to know before visiting, including visiting hours and other visitor resources.

black senior couple in hospital room. black woman visiting husband in hospital during visiting hours

Hospital Visitor Information

At NMC Health, we want you to feel safe and secure while you’re visiting family members in our facilities. Being in the hospital can be tough, and in order to protect and defend our patients and their families, there are some hospital rules:

  • Check out our current visitor restrictions due to COVID-19
  • Friends and family are welcome as long as patients agree
  • All visitors under age 12 MUST be accompanied by an adult at all times
  • People who feel sick should not visit patients
  • There may be hospital restrictions put in place due to a patient’s condition
  • The hospital may put restrictions or limitations on visitors based on situations such as during flu season or due to COVID-19

For the safety of our patients and staff, entrances are locked between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m. During this time, visitors should enter and exit through the Emergency Department.

For questions about visiting hours, call the hospital operator at 316.283.2700.

Visiting Hours and Rules

Some units have special visiting hours and rules. These rules are in place to protect patients, visitors and staff.

Feet of Newborn child seconds and minutes after birth. Cute tiny new born baby girl on towel. New life, beginning, healthcare.

Family Birthing Center Rules

  • If you’re sick, please do not enter this secure unit
Monitoring of patient's heart in intensive care unit (ICU), critical care unit, ventilator, emergency

ICU - Critical Care Rules

  • Only immediate family and significant others are allowed to visit
  • Only two or three visitors at a time
  • No visitation during shift change or overnight (6:30-7:30 am, 2:30-3:30pm, 10:30pm-7:30am)

Flu Restrictions

During flu season (November 1-April 1), NMC Health puts visitor restrictions in place in order to protect our patients and staff. Please DO NOT visit if:

  • You are running a fever (100.4ºF or higher)
  • You have a cough or other flu symptoms
  • You are under the age of 12 (exceptions will be made on a case by case basis)
  • You have a compromised immune system

Mail and Flowers

Mail and flowers are welcome in most areas.

Flowers (silk or live) and plants, however, are not allowed in the ICU – Critical Care Unit. 

NMC Health volunteers deliver mail daily and flowers several times a day. Mail arriving after your dismissal will be forwarded to your home. Flowers arriving after your dismissal will be handled by the florist.

Location & Maps

If you need directions on how to get to the hospital entrance, please view our campus and hospital maps.

Click here for a list of NMC Health facilities.