NMC to Participate in National Healthcare Decisions Day

NMC Health Hospital Entrance

Newton Medical Center (NMC), along with other national, state and community organizations, is leading a massive effort to highlight the importance of advance healthcare decision-making—an effort that has culminated in the formal designation of April 16 as National Healthcare Decisions Day.

As a participating organization, NMC is providing information and tools for the public to talk about their wishes with family, friends and healthcare providers, and execute written advance directives (healthcare power of attorney and living will) in accordance with Kansas state laws.

On Monday, April 18, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., NMC is welcoming the public to the South Conference Room to receive free information about advance care planning and advance directive forms.

For more information about National Healthcare Decisions Day, visit nhdd.org or call (316) 804-6022.

About Newton Medical Center
Newton Medical Center is a 103-bed hospital in Newton, Kan., providing comprehensive medical care to those in Harvey and surrounding counties. Services and specialties include emergency medicine, surgical services, occupational medicine, home health and more. The hospital, which also includes 12 primary care and specialty clinics, is conveniently located at the intersection of I-135 and Highway 50. For more information, call (316) 283-2700 or visit newtonmed.com.