NMC to Celebrate National Diabetes Month

NMC Health Medical Center in Newton Ks entrance with yellow bar hospital and glass panel front entrance newton medical center

NEWTON, Kan., (October 27, 2015) – More than 29 million Americans have diabetes, and it is estimated that one in every four people with diabetes does not even know they have the disease. If left undiagnosed or untreated, diabetes can lead to serious health problems, including heart attack and stroke.

Newton Medical Center and the National Diabetes Education Program (NDEP) want the public to know that diabetes education is needed throughout a person’s lifetime, not just at diagnosis. Having a network of support can also help a person with diabetes better cope with the day-to-day demands of living with diabetes.

During the month of November, National Diabetes Month, NMC has events planned to help support caregivers and those with diabetes:

November 5
Diabetes Support Group
7 to 8 p.m.
NMC Sunflower Café

November 12
Dinner with the Doctor
5:15 p.m. dinner, 6 p.m. presentation
NMC Sunflower Café

November 19
Lunch & Learn
Noon to 1 p.m.
Harvey County Health Department, 2nd floor

During the month of November, NMC is also issuing a wellness challenge. For 30 days, the hospital is encouraging the public to participate in any or all of the healthy challenges:

Then, participants can share their healthy choices on NMC’s Facebook or Twitter page using the hashtag #NMCWellnessChallenge, or, email michelle.mcahren@www.newtonmed.com. At the end of the challenge, one lucky participant will be selected at random to win a Fitbit, courtesy of Bethel College School of Nursing.

For complete challenge details or additional resources, visit www.newtonmed.com/NDM.

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