NMC Health welcomes Dr. Bryan Pierce and Shannon Pierce, PA-C

There are two new faces to the NMC Health family: Dr. Bryan Pierce and Shannon Pierce, PA-C. The Pierces’ will be working at Family Medicine North Amidon in Wichita.

Married six years, Bryan and Shannon met while they were working on their undergraduate degrees. 

Bryan Pierce completed medical school at the University of Florida and his residency in Wichita. Shannon Pierce also is a graduate of the University of Florida and now a physician assistant who specializes in treating children and women’s health needs.

They both went into medicine to help others. “Wanting to walk with people through good times and bad times,” Shannon shared.

Bryan found his faith helped drive his passion in medicine. “At 19, Jesus saved my life and I saw that the ministry that he was about and the things he invested in were healing people and providing hope, and intersecting both of those as one in the same,” Bryan said. “I saw medicine as a really neat way to participate in that work.”

The pair has volunteered locally and overseas. They spent a month at a hospital in southeast Asia during the Rohingya refugee crisis. When their time had come to an end at the hospital, they both left with new ideas on how to help their patients and spend their time. Shannon’s experience fueled her ambitions to work with different people and pushed her to volunteer in Wichita. They both recognized that working through a refugee crisis that garnered international attention changed the way they interact with their patients.

“We have no idea some of the things people have endured when we get to meet them for the first time,” Bryan said. ”So seeking first to understand and looking to have insight as to what frames a person’s life experiences and how that shapes who they are and their health.”

Outside of their time spent helping people, the Pierces raise one cat and seven pet chickens. Shannon enjoys time in the kitchen and Bryan spends time in his vegetable garden.  They both are adventure seekers. Shannon once skydived over the California/Mexico border and Bryan is an avid surfer (we will have to figure something out for him here in Kansas) and sand volleyball player.