NMC Announces New Vision Statement

NMC Health Hospital Entrance

Newton Medical Center (NMC) announced today that the organization will have a new vision statement – to improve health.

Over the past few years, NMC has focused not only on initiatives within the organization, but on impacting health and well-being in the community. This is seen through NMC’s partnership with the Newton YMCA, the Convenient Care clinic and the Community Paramedicine program.

“It became apparent that our previous vision statement – to be the community’s choice for healthcare – emphasized competition over cooperation with our essential community partners. The hospital is located in a community where healthcare providers naturally work well together. Moreover, we’ve entered a new era of healthcare where the role of the hospital has changed. Society now expects hospitals, in addition to providing excellent and reliable care for sick persons, to also build effective networks of community resources that improve everyone’s health. The new vision statement emphasizes our intent to participate more fully as a leader in building new, cooperative communities of care among all our healthcare partners,” explains Val Gleason, NMC President and CEO. “For that reason, NMC’s Board of Directors adopted the new vision statement.”

The new vision statement fully encompasses the scope of NMC’s mission, which is to excel in providing healthcare by understanding and responding to the needs of those we serve.

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