NMC Health Welcomes Adina Gregory, RN, Nursing Director

NMC Health Hospital Entrance

Adina GregoryNewton Medical Center (NMC) has named Adina Gregory, RN, as director of nursing. Gregory will oversee the maternal/child, surgical, medical and critical care units.

“Adina is passionate about patient care and building strong inter-professional teams,” said Emily Newhouse, associate chief nursing officer. “In her last position, Adina assisted in growing a four-bed surgical hospital with fifty employees to a full-service hospital employing over 400. NMC will greatly benefit from her passion and expertise.”

For the past eight years, Gregory served as the chief nursing officer and chief operating officer at Great Bend Regional Hospital in Great Bend, KS.

“NMC’s reputation precedes them, and when it was time for a new job I had no doubt that this is where I wanted to be,” said Gregory. “In this new role, I look forward to working with the nursing staff, providing support and helping them grow by sharing my experience.”

Gregory first joined Newton Medical Center earlier this year as a nurse in the hospital’s emergency department. With a nursing degree from Hutchinson Community College, Gregory has 20 years of experience in the medical field as a phlebotomist, EMT and nurse.