Newton Medical Center launches campaign to boost heart health

NMC Health Hospital Entrance

NEWTON, Kan.– Newton Medical Center will launch a 26-week educational campaign aimed at increasing consumers’ awareness of what they can do to improve and care for their cardiovascular system. The initiative, called the Heartowner’s Protection Plan, runs October 21 through spring 2014.

“We wanted people in our area to start looking at their hearts like they look at other essential systems they deal with every day,” said Steve Kelly, president and CEO of Newton Medical Center. “We routinely enroll in maintenance programs for our vehicles and don’t think twice about protecting our homes with home warranties. We want people to start thinking the same way about the systems tied to their hearts.”

The three-phase campaign begins with education about peripheral vascular disease (PVD). Blockages in arteries that supply blood to the extremities can cause pain, numbness and other maladies. These blockages can often be identified through an ultrasound or a dye procedure of the arteries. Some people think their pain, fatigue or numbness is a natural result of the aging process when it could be related to PVD. In phase one of the Heartowner’s Protection Plan, consumers can begin the PVD awareness program by answering some simple questions contained in the PVD Test. The test can be found online at

Phase two of the Heartowner’s Protection Plan concentrates on coronary disease. “Symptomatically, we know men and women present heart problems differently,” said Dr. Hossein Amirani, who heads up Newton’s cardiology unit. “Understanding those differences can accelerate diagnosis and treatment.”

Phase three of the campaign will focus on the recognition and treatment of stroke. Stroke impacts not only the victim but also the caregivers so additional information will be given about the services available though Newton Medical Center to aid the families who are dealing with stroke.

Newton Medical Center is a comprehensive 103-bed hospital in Newton, Kan., offering full-service medical care in Harvey, Butler and northern Sedgwick counties. For more information about Newton Medical Center, please call 316-283-2700 or visit