How to stay fit while staying at home


This unprecedented period of social distancing is new for everyone, and some are worried about backsliding or changing their workout routine. With gyms closed to abide by federal, state and local guidelines, it can put a damper on your daily exercise. Don’t let it!

Here are a few ways you can stay active while social distancing: 

Couple riding bikes outside

Go outside

Social distancing means keeping six feet between you and others. Take advantage of the fresh air and get outside with your family. Go for a walk, run or bike ride, or pull out the basketball and shoot hoops in your driveway. 

Let your kids run around the yard or teach them a new sport and new love for the outdoors. Set up a tent in your back yard and have a campout. If you can, roast some S’mores. Sing campfire songs and enjoy the great outdoors and beautiful Kansas sunsets. 

Little girl in white dress with blue stars playing in garden

Start a garden

Have you been itching to plant a garden or finish up a flower bush in your yard? Use this time to cultivate a new hobby or grow an old one. Try something new by growing edible plants like tomatoes, radishes, peppers and cucumbers.  It’s healthy and keeps you from visit the grocery store so often.

Dad and son cleaning floors in living room

Clean your house

It officially spring! What better time to tackle that spring cleaning list than when you’re at home every day? Find a way that you like to declutter and make goals each day for what you want to accomplish.

This might mean cleaning out your garage, unpacking and sorting items in your basement or creating a new way of organizing your belongings. Catch some inspiration online or by watching Netflix and DIY shows.

The nice weather should come with an energy boost, so put that energy to good use and check some projects off your list – especially if that includes walking up and down your stairs. You can get in a good workout while being highly productive!

Be sure while you’re cleaning to disinfect commonly touched surfaces such as doorknobs, light switches, faucets, toilets, keyboards, computer mouses and remote controllers to keep the germs away.

Woman doing yoga in her living room on pink mat

Bring your workout inside

Just because the gyms are closed doesn’t mean you can’t lift or do cardio in your home. Watch online fitness videos or download a fitness app to help you keep up with your goals.

You can track your exercise through your Apple Watch, FitBit or other fitness watch and maintain the same amount of exercise you had before social distancing guidelines were set into place.You can also cool down and meditate with online yoga videos or take up a new type of workout like Pilates or tai chi. Free videos can be found on YouTube and other resources. Make sure to stretch before and after starting new activities