Heart of Kindness: Meet Volunteer Cheryl W.

Volunteer sits at desk smiling and greeting hospital patients and visitors

Cheryl W. is a retired teacher with a heart full of kindness and a passion for lending a helping hand. After a rewarding career in education, Cheryl felt a pull to continue making a positive difference in people’s lives. Inspired by friends from her church who volunteered at NMC Health, Cheryl decided to join them – and she’s never looked back!

In her role at NMC Health, Cheryl is like a friendly beacon in the surgery area. She’s there to welcome families, connect them with doctors for updates on a loved one’s procedure, and offer a comforting presence during those anxious waiting moments. With her warm smile and caring nature, Cheryl turns what could be a stressful experience into one filled with support and reassurance.

“Many times, family will want to know how their family member is doing while he/she is in surgery,” says Cheryl. “I go back and ask the nurses, and they call back and ask the surgery team. This is comforting to family members who are anxious.”

For Cheryl, the best part of volunteering is connecting with patients’ families. Whether she’s providing updates on surgeries, answering questions, or simply chatting to pass the time, Cheryl’s genuine kindness shines through, leaving a lasting impact on everyone she meets.

“Families are always appreciative and thank you for your help,” she says.

And it’s not just the families who appreciate Cheryl’s presence – hospital staff do, too! By lending a helping hand and offering support wherever she can, Cheryl makes life a little easier for the hardworking nurses and doctors, allowing them to concentrate on their patients.

Cheryl turns on her magic at 7:30 a.m. While she knows that early mornings might not be everyone’s cup of tea, she’s always ready to greet the day with a smile. Her advice to anyone thinking about volunteering? Reach out to Volunteer Services and explore the opportunities available. And if you’re looking for a role that’s truly rewarding, Cheryl highly recommends joining her in the surgery area.

With Cheryl on board, NMC Health has gained a volunteer whose kindness knows no bounds. Her journey from teacher to hospital volunteer is a shining example of the power of compassion and the joy that comes from making a difference in the lives of others.