Heart-Healthy Recipe: Low Carb Veggie Fried Rice Bowl

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Switch up your evening routine with a low carb veggie fried rice bowl made special in your home kitchen! This delicious meal is jam-packed with heart-healthy foods. You can even customize by adding your favorite vegetables. The catch though, is that the “rice” in this dish is actually riced cauliflower, making it even healthier.

The best part about this recipe, is that you can use whatever protein and veggies you have laying around your house to throw together for a flavor-filled treat. Click the photo below to get the full recipe for this American Diabetes Association favorite.

heart-healthy recipes - low carb veggie fried rice bowl from american diabetes association diabetes food hub recipes

Click here for the full recipe: https://www.diabetesfoodhub.org/recipes/low-carb-veggie-fried-rice-bowl.html?home-category_id=28

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