Refer a Patient

Need to refer or transfer a patient to NMC Health Medical Center? Do with our OneCall Direct Admit service or find referral resources and surgery scheduling forms.

NMC Health Hospital Entrance

Referring or transferring a patient to NMC Health

NMC Health would love the opportunity to partner with you in caring for your patients. Together, we know we can complete the care team and give your patient the best experience. 

If you need to admit a patient directly into NMC Health Medical Center, please use our OneCall Direct Admit, (316) 804-6193.

When contacting us to schedule your patients to any one of our services or specialty clinics, please have the following information available: 

  • Patient’s name, age and other personal information
  • Reason for visit
  • Any special needs the patient may have
  • Patient’s insurance information, if available
  • Patient’s medication list, if available

Please DO NOT send medical records. If medical records are needed for care, we will request them.

We will work directly with your patients to get them scheduled and registered in our system. You will be notified when the appointment is scheduled and we will send over any test results to your office upon receipt.