How to Create Healthy Habits During the Holidays​

Wellness Advent December 2

The holiday season is a time for celebration, spending time with loved ones and enjoying delicious food (sometimes a little too much!). It can be a challenging time to maintain healthy habits and stick to a healthy routine.

  • Plan ahead: Before attending a holiday party or event, plan out your meals for the day. If you know you will be indulging in a large meal later in the day, make sure to eat a healthy breakfast and lunch. This will help you avoid overeating and keep your portions under control.
  • Stay active: With colder weather and busy schedules, it can be tempting to skip out on your regular exercise routine. However, staying active during the holidays is important for both physical and mental health. Try to fit in exercise whenever possible, whether it’s taking the dog for a walk after dinner, enjoying a brisk bike ride, or taking a yoga class.
  • Choose healthier options: When faced with a table full of tempting holiday treats, it can be easy to overindulge. Instead, try to choose healthier options whenever possible. Start by filling your plate with vegetables and fruits over high-calorie dips and snacks, and choose lean protein sources. Cut out processed foods and eat whole grains. Perhaps you may even feel adventurous and try a new green food.
  • Drink plenty of water: Often times those food cravings are really your body telling you it’s a little dehydrated. When that treat table is calling you to go back for a second round, drink some water – not a sweet tasting of caffeinated drink. Wait about 30 minutes and see if the craving is still there.

What healthy habits sound good to you? Whatever you pick, remember to be kind to yourself as you build better habits. You’ve got this!

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