Don’t skip out on medical care because of COVID-19

Elderly woman looking at camera with pink carnations in the background

COVID-19 has made for some uncertain times in our country and throughout the world, and many have avoided going to the doctor, the emergency room or urgent care clinics for fear of contracting the virus. But don’t worry – we have your back. Newton Medical Center is committed to keeping our patients, your families and our communities safe.

graphic from Kaiser Family Foundation COVID-19 Survey saying nearly half of americans are avoiding medical care

A recent Kaiser Family Foundation Health Tracking Poll shows that nearly half of the American public have put off a necessary medical appointment or procedure because of the coronavirus outbreak. While many in turn say they expect they’ll make it back to the doctor within the next three months, putting off important procedures or visits can have negative effects on your health. Waiting to see a doctor when suffering from life-threatening conditions like shortness of breath or breathing problems, heart attack signs or stroke is far more dangerous than COVID-19.

African American doctor holding cell phone with blue stethoscope around his neck - telehealth stock photo

Telehealth Options

Many health systems, including Newton Medical Center are working with patients who are uncomfortable with in-person visits. Patients can elect for NMC Health’s telemedicine program. That way, you can still visit your doctor from the comfort and safety of your home. If you choose to see your doctor in person, NMC has taken steps to ensure patient and provider safety through the use of masks and medical-grade cleaning with disinfectants between patients.

You should still call 911 or go to the emergency room if you’re experiencing any of these symptoms:

· Chest pain
· Shortness of breath
· Trouble breathing
· Severe head injury or trauma
· Broken bones
· Serious burns
· Heavy bleeding
· High fever

When in doubt, it’s better to be safe than sorry – always call 911 in the event of an emergency.

Our walk-in clinics are open for anyone experiencing non-emergent symptoms that can’t wait for a doctor’s appointment.

Hispanic patient smiling at nurse

We’ve got your back

You can take comfort in knowing that NMC is going above and beyond to keep you safe. Every person who walks through the door of an NMC facility are thoroughly screened and asked to wear a mask. Social distancing is practiced in all waiting rooms and new scheduling practices will limit the amount of people in the waiting area at one time. Medical grade disinfectants and cleaning supplies are used between patient visits.

If you need lab work done or x-rays, follow your doctor’s orders and don’t delay receiving these services. The same goes for checkups and well visits for your children, including immunizations. Be sure to schedule and attend your own yearly checkups, even if that means making a telemedicine appointment.