Knee Replacement

Knee pain is no fun. Randy Linton was losing sleep over it. Read his story about getting his first knee replacement at NMC Health, and why he recommends his friends and family members to see Dr. J. Scott Pigg.

man sitting on curb rubbing left knee because knee pain, knee in knee brace joint pain

DocTalk: Robotic Arm-Assisted Joint Replacement

Mako Total Hip

Hip and knee replacement surgery alleviates pain and returns function to those who suffer from arthritic joints. Today these are successful surgeries, but it has not always been this way. Early attempts at hip replacements had limited longevity and high complication rates and only allowed the patient limited function. Improved materials and techniques have allowed […]

NMC Offering Mako Robotic-Arm Assisted Hip Replacement

NMC Health Medical Center in Newton Ks entrance with yellow bar hospital and glass panel front entrance newton medical center

Newton Medical Center (NMC) is the second hospital in the state to offer Stryker’s Mako Robotic-Arm Assisted Total Hip replacement procedures. This latest advancement in joint replacement surgery is transforming the way joint replacement procedures are performed. Robotic-arm assisted surgery is a new approach to joint replacement that offers the potential for a higher level […]

NMC Surgeon Turns to Colleague for Knee Replacement

Dr. J. Scott Pigg & Dr. Charles C. Craig posing in front of knee replacement photo

Newton Medical Center Chief Medical Officer, Charles Craig, MD, has nearly four decades of orthopedic surgery experience. But last fall, he experienced health care from a completely different perspective — as the patient.

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