Emergency Care

Why winter weather can be deadly and safety steps you need to take.

Don’t skip out on medical care because of COVID-19

Elderly woman looking at camera with pink carnations in the background

COVID-19 has made for some uncertain times in our country and throughout the world, and many have avoided going to the doctor, the emergency room or urgent care clinics for fear of contracting the virus. But don’t worry – we have your back. Newton Medical Center is committed to keeping our patients, your families and […]

Welcome Emergency Medicine Physician Derek Moore, DO

NMC Health Hospital Entrance

Newton Medical Center (NMC) announced today the addition of Dr. Derek Moore to the hospital’s emergency department. “We are excited to have Dr. Moore and his in-depth experience in emergency medicine,” said Dr. Colin Windham, medical director of emergency services at NMC. “We will be looking to him to help NMC raise the bar in […]