Cardiac Rehab: An Important Step to Heart Attack Recovery

Willis Heck was relaxing the day after Christmas 2017, sitting in his chair reading before dinner, when he began having difficulty concentrating and even turning the pages of his book. He also noticed his chest and arms were sore. Although he was able to eat when his wife, Jan, called him for dinner, the discomfort […]
Successful Surgery Puts NMC Patient Back in the Swing

For avid golfer John Wilson, PhD, a rotator cuff injury meant more than just shoulder pain — it was a potential lifestyle changer. The retired Wichita State University professor and longtime Kansas educator has, for many years, played competitive golf, hitting the links six times a week. Consequently, when he faced shoulder surgery last spring, […]
Patient Fends Off Stroke Thanks to NMC Physical Therapist

Sandy Banman Newton Medical Center (NMC) patient Sandy Banman was making strong progress in her rehabilitation following a stroke. From her early days on the hospital’s inpatient rehabilitation unit (IRU) with weakness on one side, slurred speech and re-learning to walk and perform basic functions, Sandy had just reached a milestone — walking down a […]
Recent Experience Reinforces Patient’s Role in PFAC

Every patient deserves to have a voice and to be treated with dignity and respect. That’s what Marge Roberson believes, and advocates for, in her role on Newton Medical Center’s (NMC) Patient and Family Advisory Council.
NMC Surgeon Turns to Colleague for Knee Replacement

Newton Medical Center Chief Medical Officer, Charles Craig, MD, has nearly four decades of orthopedic surgery experience. But last fall, he experienced health care from a completely different perspective — as the patient.
NMC Welcomes First Baby of 2017

Newton Medical Center (NMC) welcomed baby girl Evelyn Joy as the first baby born at the hospital in the new year. Originally due on December 31, baby Evelyn arrived fashionably late on Tuesday, January 3 at 4:10 p.m. She weighed in at seven pounds, six ounces, and she measured 19 inches long. The hospital presented […]