Visiting Patients in the Family Birthing Center

Family Birthing Center Visitor Policy

There is nothing like meeting your loved one’s newest bundle of joy for the first time. We want to ensure our patients (old and new) have the best experience when visitors stop by. To ensure a balance of patient care and visiting time, we have policies in place that help us put the patient first and provide a safe and healthy environment before, during, and after delivery.

Please note: Policies and restrictions are subject to change

Visiting in the Family Birthing Center

The NMC Health Family Birthing Center is a secure maternal child facility. To ensure the health and safety of our patients, the following visitor policies are in place:

Visiting in the Special Care Nursery

The Special Care Nursery in the NMC Health Family Birthing Center is a Level 2 NICU designed to care for those newborns who need a little extra help when they come into this world.

Because many of these infants are at a higher risk, visitor restrictions are in place year-round to help protect the little ones. For details on what these visitor restrictions are, please call the NMC Health Family Birthing Center at 316.804.6176.