Volunteer at NMC

Volunteer Services

At NMC Health, you are a vital part of our team!

Your time and service provides kindness to our patients and families and supports our staff in more ways than you might expect.

Volunteer Services oversees volunteers throughout all NMC Health locations, offering comprehensive training, education, and assistance to our volunteers as we work together to achieve our goal of providing for our community health needs.

How Volunteering Makes a Difference For our Volunteers

Volunteering not only brought a bit of sunshine into our volunteers life, but to our family. With seemingly dark days, feelings of aloneness and difficulty grasping a sense of purpose, we turned to volunteer services. The process has turned tears into smiles, sadness into comfort and created a sense of being a part of a community. We were looking to bring purpose to our lives and find a special sense of feeling needed and belonging, what we found was a “safe place” among a beautiful group of people to begin our journey. 

Volunteers don’t only affect patient/visitors lives in a positive way…volunteering changes our own lives for the better!

– from the family of one of our volunteers

Be a Difference-Maker!

What can volunteering do for you:

  • Make a difference
  • Build your confidence
  • Make new friends
  • Improve your health
  • Boost career opportunities
  • Try out a career
  • Network

Thank you in advance for the many ways you will change lives at NMC Health.

Choices! Choices! Choices!

  • Personalize your own schedule
  • Volunteer on your own or as a group
  • Work on-site or from home
  • Work in your area of interest!

What are your interests?

Throughout our hospital and clinics, volunteers support the mission and vision of NMC Health. Listed below are some of the ways volunteers spend their time:

  • Administrative and Clerical Tasks (data entry, scanning, computer research, department support)
  • The Face of NMC Health (hospitality, community connections, marketing)
  • Patient and Family Support (comfort companions, sunshine cart, surgery waiting, patient rounds)
  • Spiritual Care Services (chaplain, memorial and church season events)
  • Special Skills (pet therapy, aromatherapy, massage, music, pamper, maintenance, flower design, handwork and crafting)
  • Projects (partnerships, marketing, education, strategic planning)

Join us in giving back to the community as a member of our volunteer team!

The Volunteer Connection

Read our current and past editions of the Volunteer Connection, our specially crafted newsletter all about our wonderful NMC Health volunteers and the work they do for our patients, visitors, team and community.