Sponsorship Request

NMC Health is a proud supporter of the many communities we serve! Request a sponsorship.

black couple holding each other and smiling while sitting outside in the park

NMC Health supports our communities

NMC Health is a proud supporter of the many communities we serve. We are committed to working with local organizations to improve health by providing opportunities and responding to the needs of our region.

One way NMC Health supports our community is through project/event sponsorships and charitable contributions. Sponsorship requests must be submitted online and are reviewed on a quarterly basis by the hospital’s Funding Committee.


Charitable contribution considerations are specific to the counties served by NMC Health:

  • Harvey County
  • Marion County
  • McPherson County
  • Reno County
  • Sedgwick County
  • Butler County

Preference is given to Harvey County and cities and towns defined in NMC Health’s primary market zip codes.

Funds requested are for the purpose of Community Benefit or Community Building and funding requests must abide by our rules and limits and meet at least ONE of these criteria:

  1. Focuses on health and wellness of all persons in our primary service area, including social determinants of health
  2. Provides education that furthers healthcare careers

How to Submit a Request

Requests may be submitted at any time by selecting the option below that matches your request and submitting a Donation Request Form as directed.

Requests up to $9,999

Requests up to $9,999 must be submitted online and will NOT be accepted via mail or email. Requests will be reviewed quarterly, following each deadline. Request deadlines are the First Friday of each calendar quarter (January, April, July, and October). You will be notified within four weeks following the deadline of the success of you request.

Requests of $10,000 or greater

Requests of $10,000 or greater must be submitted by downloading, printing, and mailing a completed Donation Request Form below to:

NMC Health
Attn: Administration
PO Box 308
Newton, KS 67114

Attach additional information to your request as needed. Incomplete forms will not be accepted. You will be notified of the success of your request within eight weeks of receipt of your request.

Rules and Limits

NMC Health funding adheres to the following:

  • Funding is only considered for tax-exempt, nonprofits whose mission concerns health-related matters. This includes 501(c)(3), 501(c)(4), and accredited schools that are developing the healthcare workforce.
  • Funding may be limited to once per fiscal year (July 1 through June 30). Filing your annual request before the July deadline is highly suggested.
  • Funding is NOT available for:
    • Requests that do not advance the NMC Health mission.
    • Requests that do not meet the definition of community benefits or community building as described by the IRS.
    • Religious groups for sectarian purposes. (Community health-related efforts may be considered – e.g., public food pantry).
    • Programs, projects or events outside our Harvey County Primary Service Area as defined by the IRS.
    • Programs, projects or events already completed.
    • Administrative, staffing or operational costs.
    • Family foundations.
    • Requests made on behalf of another nonprofit.
    • Individuals or individual fundraising efforts.
    • Individual elementary, middle and high school academic or extracurricular activities, clubs, sports teams and/or yearbooks. (Requests from school districts for district-wide programs or events may be considered);
    • Community-based sports team or program ads.
    • Membership fees or association fees.
    • Political campaigns, activity or parties.
    • Groups that discriminate on the basis of age, religion, color, race, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or national origin.
    • Requests for “bricks and mortar” capital campaigns are generally not considered unless they are for the direct purpose of starting or expanding:
Each request is considered on a case-by-case basis, and there are no standing approvals for recurring events.


NMC Health funding adheres to the following:

  • Social Determinants of Health: “Social determinants of health are the conditions in the environments where people are born, live, learn, work play, worship, and age that affect a wide range of health, functioning, and quality-of-life outcomes and risks.” Its five domains are Economic Stability, Education Access and Quality, Healthcare Access and Quality, Neighborhood and Built environment, and Social and Community Context. See a complete description.
  • Community Benefit: Programs and services designed to improve health in communities and increase access to health care including:
    • Financial Assistance
    • Government-sponsored means-tested programs
    • Community health improvement services
    • Health professions education
    • Subsidized health services
    • Cash and in-kind donations
    • Community-building activities
  • Community Building: Programs or activities that seek to improve the health of communities, address health inequities, address social determinants of health; and improve capacity.
  • Health Equity: Action to ensure all population groups living within an area have access to the resources that promote and protect health.
  • Health Disparities: Differences in health outcomes and their causes among groups of people.