Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC)

At NMC Health, patient and family advisors help improve quality and safety of care.

What is a Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC)

When you enter the hospital, excluding the birth of a child, you are hoping to solve a health problem.  You expect excellent and compassionate care.  Formed in 2016, the PFAC at NMC Health was created to help bridge patient expectation and patient experience with “real-world” community input.

PFAC is an acronym for Patient and Family Advisory Council.  At NMC Health, we are seeking persons to help make the patient experience outstanding.  Our PFAC volunteers research and offer feedback on current organizational efforts and advise hospital leaders.

Being a part of PFAC means you will learn about NMC Health, meet with staff, be asked to share your experiences, and think critically about important issues.

What Does it Take to be a Patient and Family Advisor?


You must use discretion and keep information private.


You or a family member must have had an experience as an NMC Health patient within the last two years.

Term Limits

PFAC members hold a 3-year term on the committee.

PFAC Volunteer Commitments

Meetings occur at the hospital, bi-monthly, all odd months of the year.  Currently, meetings happen on Thursday afternoons and last about 1.5 hours.

Topics discussed cover all aspects of patient care and hospital operations.  PFAC volunteers are encouraged to build awareness about many healthcare topics.

Expectations for PFAC Volunteers

  • Identify and share concerns
  • Advise staff on projects that may improve patient and family care and satisfaction
  • Support staff and leadership by acting as a sounding board for new and existing projects and programs
  • Represent patients’ and families’ experiences at NMC Health and suggest improvements
  • Education staff about the “patient and family mindset”
  • Expand your volunteer service as you are able and interested
  • Evaluate the value of patient and family advisors at NMC health

Current PFAC Members

Gary Denny

Advisor since 2022

Jen Hamm Headshot

Jen Hamm

Advisor since 2022

Brocia Mueller Photo

Brocia Mueller

Advisor since 2023

Bob Becker PFAC

Bob Becker

Advisor since 2023

Chris Simmonds PFAC

Chris Simmonds

Advisor since 2023

Connect With Us

If you are interested in joining PFAC or would like to learn more, please contact Volunteer Services at NMC Health:  316.804.6057 or request more information below: