Allied Health Students

Three hospitals workers pose for a photo in the emergency department

Allied Health Students

Welcome to NMC Health and thank you for choosing us for your clinical experience.

NMC Health is an award-winning medical care system focused on improving health throughout Newton, Kan., Harvey and surrounding counties. Featuring a 99-bed hospital located at the intersection of I-135 and Highway 50, and nine primary care and specialty clinics, NMC Health’s services and specialties include emergency medicine, surgical services, orthopedics, neurology, rehabilitation, occupational medicine, home health and more.

As a member of our healthcare team, we want to provide you with all the information you will need to familiarize yourself with our campus, our values and processes. 

Resources for students and instructors

Please select the appropriate clinical designation for the required information to be submitted for your clinical experience.  For students at NMC Health whose clinical experience is with one of our nursing school partners, your clinical instructors will facilitate your system access. 

Thank you for choosing NMC Health for your clinical experience.  Signed confidentiality agreements, photo access and IT access request must be turned in at least 1 week prior to clinical start dates.  They may be faxed to Jennifer Fernandez at 316.804.6268 or dropped off in person. Arrangements must be made with Julie LaCombe (email or extension 1140) for Meditech training for any student who has not had clinicals at NMC Health in previous semesters.

IT Access

HIPAA Workstation Use | Doc ID 16108

HIPAA Access Control Policy | Doc ID 16105

Confidentiality Agreement | Doc ID 25243

Fall 2023 | Clinical Assignments

Clinical Updates

NMC Health offers a truly unique clinical experience and we hope you enjoy your time here.  As a representative of our organization it is imperative you read and understand the content provided in the Affiliated Student Orientation packet, and HIPPA information contained in both our workstation use and access control policies.  We are honored to assist you on your education journey.  Print and sign the Student Validation of Orientation as instructed by your institution. 

Affiliated Student Orientation

HIPAA Workstation Use | Doc ID 16108

HIPAA Access Control Policy | Doc ID 16105

Thank you for choosing NMC Health for your clinical experience.  Below you will find the required Application for Practicum, confidentiality agreements, photo access, Student Validation of Orientation and IT access request forms.  As a representative of our organization it is imperative you read and understand the content provided in the Affiliated Student Orientation packet.  All forms must be turned in at least 1 week prior to clinical start dates.  Proof of vaccinations/titers listed must be provided with application.    

Information should be faxed or returned to Nursing Administration or the Education Coordinator listed on your application.  If your clinical experience also includes Meditech access, please contact Julie LaCombe (email or extension 1140) for Meditech training requirements.   

Application for Capstone

Affiliated Student Orientation

Photo Consent

IT Access

HIPAA Workstation Use | Doc ID 16108

HIPAA Access Control Policy | Doc ID 16105

Confidentiality Agreement | Doc ID 25243

Thank you for choosing NMC Health for your clinical experience. Below you will find the required Application for Practicum, confidentiality agreement, photo access, Student Validation of Orientation. As a representative of our organization it is imperative you read and understand the content provided in the Affiliated Student Orientation packet.  All forms must be turned in at least 1 week prior to clinical start dates. Proof of vaccinations/titers listed must be provided with application.    

Information should be faxed or returned to Nursing Administration or the Education Coordinator listed on your application.

Application for Capstone

Affiliated Student Orientation

Photo Consent

Confidentiality Statement | Doc ID 17605

Clinical Placement Request

Campus Map

Need help navigating NMC Health? Download our campus map. 
Traveling off campus? Get directions below.

COVID 19 Information

NMC Health has made changes to our operations to account for COVID-19

Need To Get In Touch With Us?

Careers at NMC Health