A Purrrfect Fit: Nurse Finds Joy Caring for Kittens

smiling female laying down among black and white kittens

After a day in the heart of a bustling hospital, Marianne goes home to a warm sanctuary filled with playful purring kittens. Marianne is a devoted member of the Quality department at NMC Health. Her passion for nursing and nurturing intersect in her volunteer work with Caring Hands Humane Society (CHHS).

Marianne’s healthcare journey began with her mother, a now retired nurse, who taught her the value of compassion. “Seeing my mother’s dedication inspired me to start at the very bottom as a nurse’s aide in our local hospital and pursue a Bachelor’s degree in Nursing from Bethel College.”

A personal calling beckoned her toward another kind of caregiving. “I have always been a bit cat crazy,” she admits. “During a particularly difficult time, I just knew that my heart needed to return to being a ‘katzmutter,’ as my father always called me.” In 2017, she began fostering kittens, a decision that has since enriched her life in endless ways.

Over the years, Marianne has opened her home to 190 kittens and their mothers. “Some gave birth in my home, and I adopted one of those kittens,” she explains. “Some call those foster ‘fails.’ But, I prefer foster ‘Fates.’ I have three ‘Fates.’”

For Marianne, the rewards of fostering extend beyond the instant joys of kitten cuddles. “They bless me in countless ways and it is my passion,” she says.

It’s not just that she gets to play with kittens. She’s making a real difference by providing relief for space at Caring Hands and helping the kittens become more adoptable. She’s making sure these little cuties have the foundation to live long and healthy lives. The support from Caring Hands vet staff and the CHHS foster group has also brought her new friendships, further enriching her life.

Marianne’s journey as a volunteer is a witness to the power of love and the courage to make a difference. Her message to others thinking about volunteering is simple yet profound: “I would tell anyone to not be afraid: whatever holds you back is also keeping you from love, making an impact and potentially missing out on a ‘Fate’ waiting for you.”

Through her dual roles, Marianne shows how passion and devotion can transform lives beyond hospital walls and into the lives of vulnerable animals.

black and white kittens