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Breathe Better, Feel Better

elderly woman sitting and smiling with oxygen tank next to her

Breathing – it’s something we do all the time without thinking. But for some people, it can be hard.

Supplemental oxygen helps by giving your body more of the oxygen it needs, making you feel better and more active.

What is Supplemental Oxygen?

Your body needs oxygen to work right. When you breathe in, your lungs take oxygen from the air and send it to your blood, which carries it to the rest of your body.

If you have a condition like COPD or other lung disease, your body might not get enough oxygen.

Supplemental oxygen is extra oxygen you breathe in through small tubes in your nose or a mask, which helps your body get more oxygen and makes breathing easier.

Who Needs Oxygen Therapy?

The American Lung Association says you may benefit from oxygen therapy if you have:

  • Asthma
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  • Lung diseases
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Sleep problems
  • Pneumonia

How To Know If You Need Oxygen

Pay attention to your body! If you’re feeling short of breath, especially when you’re moving around, or if your heart is racing, it could mean your oxygen levels are low. Feeing confused or dizzy is another sign. If any of this sounds familiar, it’s time to chat with your doctor.

When you go in for a visit, your doctor may check how much oxygen is in your blood using a device on your finger called a pulse oximeter or a blood test.

A pulmonary function test shows how well your lungs work. It measures how much air you breathe in and out, how well oxygen moves from your lungs to your blood, and how your lungs handle exercise.

If you don’t have enough oxygen, your doctor might suggest oxygen therapy.

How Does Supplemental Oxygen Help?

Oxygen therapy can have a big impact on your everyday life, helping in several important ways:

More Energy

You’re feeling tired and drained all the time because your body’s working extra hard just to keep going.

You don’t have to feel that way.

Oxygen therapy allows your muscles and organs to work more efficiently, allowing you to conserve energy. With more oxygen in your system, you may notice a boost in your overall energy levels. This means you may be able to get back to doing the things you love—whether that’s going for a walk, playing with your grandkids, or simply feeling more awake and alert.

Better Sleep

Low oxygen levels can lead to restless nights. If you can’t sleep, you may feel groggy during the day.

Oxygen therapy to the rescue.

With supplemental oxygen, you’re less likely to wake up throughout the night due to breathing problems. That means you’ll wake up feeling more refreshed and ready to tackle the day, which is especially important for overall health and well-being.

Easier Breathing

Even simple activities like walking or climbing stairs can feel exhausting.

Whether you’re moving around the house, exercising, or doing chores, oxygen therapy can reduce the effort it takes to breathe, allowing you to stay more active and enjoy life without constantly feeling winded.

With easier breathing, you can do more of what you want, with less discomfort.

Safety Tips for Using Oxygen

Starting oxygen therapy can greatly improve your quality of life, but it’s essential to use it safely. Here are some key precautions to follow:

Keep Away from Fire

Oxygen itself doesn’t burn, but it makes things around it catch fire more easily. Because of this, it’s really important to keep your oxygen equipment far from open flames or anything that can start a fire. This means:

  • No smoking around oxygen tanks or machines. Even a tiny spark can ignite a fire when oxygen is involved.
  • Stay away from candles, gas stoves, or any open flames.
  • Stay six feet away from space heaters, fireplaces, or wood stoves.

Use It the Right Way

Your doctor will prescribe a specific amount of oxygen, called the “flow rate,” that your body needs to stay healthy. It’s important to only use the amount of oxygen prescribed by your doctor.

Store It Safely

Oxygen tanks and equipment need to be handled and stored with care to prevent accidents.

  • Keep the tank upright: Whether you’re using portable oxygen tanks or larger ones at home, make sure they’re always stored upright. You can secure them with a stand or in a stable holder to prevent them from tipping over, which could damage the equipment or cause a leak.
  • Don’t trip: Don’t trip over the tubing – and never cut your tubing or use more than a 50-foot long piece.
  • Turn it off when not in use: Turn off your oxygen when you’re not using it.

What is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy?

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is a different type of oxygen therapy, and not one you’d typically think of when considering supplemental oxygen. HBOT gets more oxygen to your body’s tissues, and can help heal long-lasting wounds, including diabetic foot ulcers, crush injures, skin grafts, chronic bone infections, and injuries from radiation.

The Bottom Line

Oxygen therapy can help you breathe easier, feel more energetic, and stay healthy. If you or someone you know is having trouble breathing, talk to a doctor about how oxygen therapy might help!

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