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May 28, 2024

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Putting Off Your Doctor’s Visit? No More Excuses

frustrated girl, yellow background

“I don’t want to tell my doctor that! It’s too embarrassing!” “I’ve got it under control.” “I looked my symptoms up online. I’m fine.” Sound familiar? Yeah, we thought so. We’ve all been guilty of at some point or another of putting off our doctor’s appointments. Whether it’s a routine check-up, a long-overdue screening, or […]

10 Questions with Michelle Langston, RN, BSN

10 Questions with Michelle Langston, RN, BSN

NMC Health is pleased to announce the addition of Michelle Langston, RN, BSN, as Surgical Services Director. Let’s learn more about her! Why are you excited to join NMC Health?I’m very excited to work in my own community and I look forward to my new role, my new team, and collaborating with all the people […]

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