September 2017

NMC Health Hospital Entrance

NMC Health Welcomes Adina Gregory, RN, Nursing Director

NMC Health Hospital Entrance

Newton Medical Center (NMC) has named Adina Gregory, RN, as director of nursing. Gregory will oversee the maternal/child, surgical, medical and critical care units. “Adina is passionate about patient care and building strong inter-professional teams,” said Emily Newhouse, associate chief nursing officer. “In her last position, Adina assisted in growing a four-bed surgical hospital with […]

DocTalk: Injections to Help Manage Low Back Pain

senior white man bent over in pain because of back pain with grimace on face

Back pain is one of the most common medical problems in the U.S. and is the leading cause of job-related disability. It affects nearly 80% of adults at some point in their lifetime. 20% of those experiencing acute pain, defined as lasting a few days to a few weeks, will develop chronic pain within one […]

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