Recent Experience Reinforces Patient’s Role in PFAC

Every patient deserves to have a voice and to be treated with dignity and respect. That’s what Marge Roberson believes, and advocates for, in her role on Newton Medical Center’s (NMC) Patient and Family Advisory Council.
NMC Announces New Weekend Hours for Convenient Care Clinic

Beginning Saturday, April 1, Newton Medical Center’s Convenient Care clinic will have new weekend hours. Previously, the walk-in clinic was open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily (excluding major holidays). While the weekday hours will remain the same, weekend hours of operation will change to between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. “Historically, Saturday and […]
NMC Receives High 5 for Mom & Baby Renewal Recognition

Newton Medical Center (NMC) has met the requirements and received renewal of its High 5 for Mom & Baby status. The High 5 program – initiated, funded and provided at no charge to Kansas hospitals by the United Methodist Health Ministry Fund – incorporates specific new maternity care procedures based on proven health benefits associated […]
NMC Hosts Free Screening of End-of-Life Care Film

Newton Medical Center has partnered with the Newton YMCA to host a free, community screening of the documentary “Being Mortal” on Friday, March 31, 10 a.m. to noon. Following the screening, Dr. Stephen Cranston and licensed social worker Terresia DuBois will host a discussion on what matters most to patients and families facing difficult treatment […]