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10 Questions with Kaley Bogner, MSN, RN, CNML

photo of Kaley Bogner, director of outpatient services, smiling

Welcoming back a familiar face is always cause for celebration. Kaley Bogner, MSN, RN, CNML, began her nursing career at NMC Health, and she will now continue it in a nursing leadership role. As Director of Outpatient Services, she will oversee cardiac rehabilitation, pulmonary rehabilitation, diabetes education, outpatient physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, inpatient therapy, wound care, and sleep lab.

Let’s get reacquainted:

Why are you excited to join NMC Health?
I am excited to join NMC Health because it feels like I am coming back home, and I love the people that work here. I began my nursing career in the Emergency Department at NMC Health and ultimately served as Emergency Department Nurse Manager and House Supervisor.

Why did you choose to have a career in healthcare?
I enjoy caring for people and I wanted to make a positive impact in the lives of others. I worked as a CNA at a local retirement community when I was in high school. The feeling I received from putting a smile on a resident’s face or consoling them on a hard day was priceless. It was because of this experience that I went to college to pursue a degree in nursing.

What is your specialty and why did you choose it?
My specialty is in the area of nursing leadership and management. I recently earned a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) with a leadership and management track. I am also credentialed as a Certified Nursing Manager and Leader (CNML) through the American Organization for Nursing Leadership. I chose this specialty because I am interested in making a positive difference in the lives of patients and staff members through evidence-based quality improvement initiatives.

What inspires you to do what you do every day?
Patient and staff member satisfaction inspires me most. It is important for both groups to have a positive experience.

What is your favorite thing about working with patients?
I enjoy getting to know patients on a personal level when providing care. Developing these relationships makes the job very fulfilling.

What is your top priority when providing healthcare?
I believe there are two top priorities when providing healthcare. These are quality of care and patient experience.

What are your favorite things to do outside of the office?
Outside of the office, I enjoy spending time with my family, reading, running, music theater, and traveling.

If you could give one piece of advice to someone considering a career in healthcare, what would it be?
There are many specialties in the field of healthcare. It is important to find the area in which you have the most joy and fulfillment.

What’s the best advice you received?
When I worked at Orlando Health in Florida, our team was advised to always assume positive intent in any situation unless proven otherwise. That philosophy helps to foster trusting and productive relationships.

What’s one thing you wish every patient knew?
I wish every patient knew the importance of patient centered care and being an active participant in making healthcare decisions.

Welcome back, Kaley! We’re so glad you chose NMC Health.

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